What Should A Playtest Smell Like?

Running playtest sessions is remarkably difficult. It’s easy to overlook simple practices that can ruin the feedback you collect. This article considers common mistakes, through the lens of the playtester’s five senses.

To get unbiased and honest feedback from invited members of the general public you’ll need to carefully consider their every sight, sound and smell during your playtests. So what does a great playtest smell like?

Building Confidence in GamesUR

There were remarkably few talks or resources on the commercial realities of games user research: What does a typical day look like? What’s the workload to be expected?

At GamesUR SF 2017 I co-presented a talk on GamesUR foundations with Ubisoft Researcher Lanie Dixon to answer commonly-asked questions from the community.

Panel on Lab Design

I joined Adams Greenwood-Erickson, Ben Lille, and Nana Wallace to discuss learnings for designing, constructing and utilising playtesting labs.