Building Confidence in GamesUR

There were remarkably few talks or resources on the commercial realities of games user research: What does a typical day look like? What’s the workload to be expected?

At GamesUR SF 2017 I co-presented a talk on GamesUR foundations with Ubisoft Researcher Lanie Dixon to answer commonly-asked questions from the community.

Develop Award: 2016

The Develop Awards spotlight the best of video game development across the world, highlighting studios, service providers, games and their developers. Player Research won the ‘Services’ award in 2016.

  • Audiomotion Studios
  • Flipbook
  • Formosa Interactive
  • GameDev Network Limited
  • d3t
  • Player Research
  • Red Kite Games

GamesUR 2015

In 2015 I co-chaired the first games user research conference in Europe. The American edition had been running annually since 2009, bringing hundreds of Researchers to San Fran. The first event was a collaboration between the volunteer community and the IGDA.